Dave McKinnon Manufacturing
 " If you can envision it, we can help to make it happen "
Have you ever heard the saying "Anything worth doing, is worth doing right". That is our motto.  We work hard to ensure that everything we lay our hands on ends up looking like someone took the time and energy to make sure the customer will always look at their project and say "That's exactly what I wanted".
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Family owned and operated since 1998

We are a small family owned shop located on the east coast.

Hi, I am David McKinnon and I have been making hand made furniture since I was quite young, around 10, I believe. My mother could tell you I was never a person who sat around idle.  I was always wanting to learn about how things worked, disassembling then reassembling things.  I spent most of my free time with a cabinet maker(who was a master carpenter, electrician and plumber all rolled into one) he was partly responsible for my attitude towards what I do today. He always said  "If something is put together correctly the first time, you won't have to come back and redo it when it falls apart"(he never used the word 'if' only 'when') . I have come to believe that the amount time, energy and effort put into a project directly reflects the quality and appearance of the end product. 

  My parents instilled in us at an early age that we are the only ones responsible for what we do as individual's and no one else.  The differences between good and bad,  honest and dishonest,  between right and wrong.   The most difficult part was learning that sometimes you can be right and still be wrong at the same time.  That what we can accomplish is only limited to how much we believe in ourselves. If we believe in our abilities enough, we can accomplish just about anything.  I have always tried to excel in all I do. Each time I have done something well I have always wanted the next time to be done better.

   I started in the sign business in 1988 learning everything I could from a well experienced sign man who did it all(screen printing, plastics fabrication & vinyl lettering) and he always wanted everything just perfect.  As much as I may have complained back then about the need to be overly fussy on everything we did at some point it took root and held on. I came to find myself desiring to be even better and worked hard at that ever elusive 'perfection'  I became his shop manager in the early 90's and got my taste of being responsible for making sure everything was done right and what it takes to try to give others under you the desire to accomplish the same thing. He retired from the business in 1997  Even today I still look back and thank him for his attitude that I came to adopt as my own.  

  Attitudes and Aptitudes have come together to allow us to produce some really fancy and beautiful products over the years. My father started working with me back in 1999-2000 after he retired and I have never looked back. We work as a team and he is more one of my best friends than my father.  We bounce idea's and concepts off each other, poking holes in the problems when they arise until we come up with the final and satisfying solution.  Everyone who works with us has an opinion and the more minds we have inputting idea's into a project I believe, lead to superior results.  We strive to treat all the people who work with and around us as friends first and workers second.  After all, I've learned you only get back out of people based on what you put in them.  Customer service is the most important thing to us, after all it is the little things we do that a client remembers and tells others. 

  We try to conduct ourselves in a professional and business-like manner all the time, with honesty and integrity.  I do business on a handshake and believe that a mans word is still his bond.  I try hard to follow the path of the straight and narrow.  When I happen to reach a cross road I am unsure about, I still pick up the telephone and call home. I am not afraid to admit I am only human and as such makes mistakes.  I like to think I do my parents proud as the saying goes with my business practices and ethics.

 My wife Wendy, performs the tasks as one of our customer service people and sales staff all rolled into one and brings in a lot of business with her desire to put the customer first.  She was born with a charisma that when you talk to her, you just trust and believe that she will do what she says she will, and she does.(this characteristic is something no amount of schooling can teach). Individuals who put the customers ahead of their paycheck and own goals are few and far between.  After talking with her you will agree she is doing what she was born to do. 

 We currently travel all over the Atlantic East Coast putting our work into people's home's and business's.  Our best sales team has always been the happy and satisfied clients or their friends who have seen for themselves the difference quality can make.  


  "Turning your thought's and idea's into reality"


  • Canadian Shipping Address:  5 Forest Side Ave., Route 111, Rowley, NB, Canada, E2S 2G8
  • American Shipping Address:  482 North St., Calais, Maine, 04619 
  • Tel:         506-696-7311
  • Fax:        506-634-6116
  • email      dave@dmckinnonmanufacturing.com
  • email      wendy@dmckinnonmanufacturing.com

 If you are having trouble seeing the pictures, try updating your browser.  The website building tools we used are more geared towards newer browsers, we had completed our initial designs before we realized this.   I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you........ Dave